Expedition to Russian Far East

Sponsored by RN6BY, UA2FF, UA0BA and HA RDA Group


Between 17 August and 3 September 2007 RN0QQ and HA1AG operated as UE0QDA/0 from the Amur (R0J), Habarovsk (R0C) and Primorskoe (R0L) regions from the following RDA's:

YA-03, YA-39,

AM-26, AM-06, AM-24, AM-13, AM-27, AM-07, AM-17, AM-22, AM-14, AM-25, AM-18, AM-08, AM-09, AM-02,

EA-01, EA-02,

HK-06, HK-07, HK-04,

PK-09, PK-11, PK-22, PK-28,



Operating frequency: 14 MHZ

Modes: SSB, CW and DIGI

Antenna: GP , sloping dipole

Equipment: IC-756PRO, Yaesu FT857D


QSL manager: RX3RC - no QSL needed


- UE0QDA route plan (RDA info)

- UE0QDA approximate route plan (Google maps KML file)

- UE0QDA approximate route plan (link to Google maps - big download!)

- UE0QDA's targeted RMA mountains (MS Word file)

- UE0QDA sound recording from AM-25 by HA3NU