April 2008 -UA1QV/1- Mikhail and his team made a trip to the very rarely activated IOTA EU-160 group. This QSL arrived very fast via the bureau. TNX Mike!


May 2008 - HP3XUG on 160m CW- I had a very thrilling topband QSO with Louis and soon after his QSL arrived in an envelope full with colorful Panaman stamps.


June 2008 - RW1ZC/6 on 2m with Es- 1829 km - my best DX with Es on 2m. This QSL came via the bureau. Tnx Alex!.


July 2008 -OD5NF on 20m CW- I had a very enjoyable ragchew CW QSO with Abd. He was using a QRP rig with a home made 2 ele Yagi. It is great to see this kind of "building" and experimenting hams being active from the Middle East. His QSL was sent by his QSL manager Herman HB9CRV. Thanks to both of you!


August 2008 - OA4BHY/3 from Blanca Isl, Peru- Rene DL2JRM and his team made it to Peru again and he activated this rarely visited rock. I just stumbled upon his first CQ and got as first contact into their log.


September 2008 - BG5BHL from IOTA AS-141. In the IOTA Contest I was just playing around and got a call from the east so late I was not really expecting anybody calling in from that direction. As a second surprise Jin sent me a nice letter with his QSL, stamped over AS-141. He lives right on the coast where this IOTA group is located. I assume he just made a visit for the contest


October 2008 - VE8RCS/VY0 from Ellesmere Island, near the North Pole. VE8RCS was a legendary station until the early 90s, operated from Alert on Ellesmere Island in Canada. This was a very strategical base during the Cold War. A few Canadian operators reactivated the station to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the base's establishment.


December 2008 - R35NP from a drifting camp on the ice around the North Pole. Mike Fokin, RW1AI a veteran of many polar expeditions operated from the icebreakers (RW1AI/MM) and from the drifting station as R35NP. During his expedition we had dozens of radio contacts and he noted his exact operating position during our contacts on his QSL card. This one shows the contacts from the vicinity of the North Pole.


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