August 2006 - UA0OAI from BU-20 or BU-21- It was a very pleasant surprise to get this personal card from Zinnur. It came in this very impressive envelope

September 2006 - SM5XJX on 2m tropo - my first real tropo DX on 144 MHz with 1203 km

October 2006 - LU4ZS from the Marambio base on Antarctica (IOTA AN-013)- took me a while to pull this one


November 2006 - HP3FTD from Chiriqui, Panama - I had a very nice ragchew-type QSO with Bob on 40m CW. His ham CV on shows a very impressive ham radio career. I was truly surprised to receive his letter directly from Panama.


December 2006 - a negative experience... This is what I got back for my letter with a proper SASE from DJ0LZ instead of the expected Z34M QSL.

This guy must be stealing stamps from somewhere if he can't accept proper stamps only its money equivalent...


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